What way has God spoken directly to you?
First of all, read B's post, because this was by far the biggest and clearly evident example of when God spoke to both of us at the same time concerning such a big thing that was going on in our lives at that time. Click Me
Other times God speaks to me, He truly does it in small ways where sometimes I miss it, then remember later and a lightbulb goes off. This past weekend, I was getting really upset with how much weight I'm gaining, and how I've basically gotten back to where I was before I lost all my weight a few years ago. I'm really upset with myself, but have no one to blame. I have lost all my motivation and was basically just so mad at myself that I'd let it all get back on, and that I'd fallen back into my pit again. I know I needed to get serious about my life and this temple I've been given, but I just couldn't get going! Then on Sunday, the pastor spoke about diet and working out. He was speaking about growing in our faith by reading the word and living it, and even while I heard it that way and is something I'm really working hard on right now as well, it hit me when he was talking a man who got a new heart and what good is it for him to keep eating bad foods? Both physically and spiritually, once we come Christ, it's time to change things. If that wasn't enough, that day, on FB, I follow a "Jesus Daily" account, and it said something that really hit me. The first line of the post said "It's time to get serious about life." That sums it all up for everything. I live a good life, and enjoy almost all of it, but there are certain things I need to man up and get serious about. Jesus and living healthy have been far down on the list for too long. It's time to make a change.
Yesterday I hit the gym.
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