Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Post 7 - What do you secretly hope each of your children will grow up to be?

First of all, I honestly don't care as long as it's something they want to do, something that they will enjoy for years to come, and is something legal! HA!

If I had to say specifically, I'd guess I'd have to go with the following:

Avery - Baseball player in the MLB. If he can't reach that, I'd love to see him as a sports physician where he could be a team's doctor, traveling with them, and livng the dream that way.

Jaelyn - I'd love to see her be a veterinarian.  She wants to sing and dance, and so I could see her doing that, but I could also see her doing local theater like her grandpa Brad used to do.

Braden & Evan - it's so early for them, but for Braden I could see him being a PE teacher or something like his uncle Tanner.  Evan, no clue, but he's a thinker, so I could see him being an engineer.

I just want the best for them all, and want them to be happy and not struggle.

1 comment:

Belinda said...

Either we have the same kids and wishes for them or you copied my post!

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